How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Atlantic City's residents didn't care that their government was dishonest. What mattered was that the government, through the ward politicians, responded to their needs. (7.88)
At a certain point, residents stop caring about the city's widespread corruption. After all, the leaders might be corrupt, but at least they do their part to build up the community. In a way, this corrupt political machine actually forces ward leaders to respond to citizens' needs, as everything could crumble to pieces if the party loses popular support.
Quote #8
By 1974 Atlantic City was one with Rita—a broken-down old whore scratching for customers. (9.4)
The second half of the 21st century is a rough one for Atlantic City. With Prohibition over, the local Republican Party dismantled, and record low numbers of tourists, all of the town's lifelines have been cut.
Quote #9
The unexpected success of Atlantic City's first casino was like an explosion. It sent out shock waves that stirred interest across the nation. (11.35)
In a moment, everything changes. Although gambling has been an integral part of Atlantic City's economy for, well, forever, legalized casinos represent a brave new world. What's more, this is the first time in a long time that people are talking about Atlantic City in a positive light.