The Bourne Identity True or False

1. When Bourne says, "It's easier than dying," what is it that's easier than dying? -> For Marie to give up economics and join him in a life of leisure with their stolen millions.
2. Marie says " I suppose that's dreadful of me." What is it she's done that's dreadful? -> She can't remember the color of Bourne's eyes.
3. "Cain is for Charlie and Delta is for Cain" means that: -> Bourne used to be called Delta; he took on the name "Cain" to indicate that he would replace Carlos (or Charlie.)
4. Who says, "Hello, David"? -> Marie, when Bourne remembers his real name.
5. Mo Panov says, " In a way, he's a functioning microcosm of us all." By this he means that: -> Bourne is like us all because we're all trying to find out who we are.
