The Boxcar Children The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"We could have the nicest little home here, and we could find some dishes, and make four beds and a table, and maybe chairs!" (3.26)

Does IKEA have a boxcar section? Because Jessie's plans here sound pretty ambitious.

Quote #5

"It looks like home," said Henry. "See the washing!" (4.62)

Making the boxcar look like the children's former house helps it feel like a real home.

Quote #6

When they were on the shelf, Violet picked some white and yellow flowers and put them in a cup full of water in the middle of the shelf. (5.52)

Home is in the details, you know? Life in the boxcar isn't just about survivingit's about décor, too, and the kids want to make themselves as comfortable as possible.