The Boxcar Children The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I thought we ought to have a tablecloth," he said. "So I got one at the store." (6.26)

Poor Henry—who has about $4 to his name and lives with his three siblings in a rusty box in the woods—thought that a tablecloth was a necessity. We're betting he wouldn't survive the zombie apocalypse.

Quote #8

When the cherry pickers got back to their little home, they looked everything over carefully. But things were just as they had left them. The door was still closed, and the milk and butter were in the refrigerator. (9.35)

The "refrigerator" is literally a hole in a rock, by the way. No matter to these kids, though; it gets the job done, which is all they need.

Quote #9

The children's grandfather wanted them to like his house. He wanted them to live with him all the time. So he had made over some of the rooms just for them. (13.1)

Mr. Alden goes to great lengths to make his grandchildren comfortable in his home, but they don't really settle in until he hauls their old boxcar into the yard.