The Boxcar Children Secrecy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"This is a good place," said Jessie, as they walked along. "It is far away from people. You can tell that by the grass in the road." (2.58)

The Boxcar Children make their happy home in the woods, isolating themselves from the rest of society. Totally normal … right?

Quote #5

"What do you think it was?" asked Jessie. "Do you think it was a rabbit?"

"I don't know," said Henry. "But I think someone was in the woods. I am glad we weren't hurt." (7.2-7.3)

To be clear, being isolated in the woods does have its downsides. When Jessie and Henry are spooked by an intruder, they don't have any way to ask for help.

Quote #6

"If Grandfather is looking for us, it would be easier to see four than one."

"Yes, that's so," answered Henry. "But we can go down the hill and through the streets two by two." (9.3-9.4)

The kids go to some considerable lengths to avoid discovery, which helps us understand how afraid they must be of their grandfather. These kids really prefer to stick together.