The Boxcar Children Secrecy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"The four children are living in a boxcar, but I shall not tell Mr. Alden that they are his grandchildren," he said. (9.41)

Dr. Moore is awfully sneaky. First, he spies on Henry and his family, and then, when he learns their secret, he keeps it to himself.

Quote #8

"We don't want her to go to a hospital if we can help it. We should have to tell her name." (11.29)

When you're a runaway orphan, it really pays to have befriended a doctor. Dr. Moore to the rescue.

Quote #9

"They have changed their name," said the doctor. He looked at the man in a queer way. "The big boy changed his name on Field Day. You saw him then." (11.66)

On Field Day, Henry tells a lie of omission by not giving Mr. Alden his last name. You'd think Mr. A. might have noticed that Henry has the same first and middle name as his grandson, but alas, he does not.