Breath, Eyes, Memory Sexuality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Page)

Quote #10

"I think you have a Madonna image of your mother. Part of you feels that this child is a testimonial of her true sexuality. It's a child she conceived willingly. Maybe even she is not able to face that." (33.220)

Once again, Sophie's therapist is telling it like it is. She is rightly concerned about what Sophie tells her about Martine and the new baby. Sophie knows that her mom is in trouble. But what she may not perceive is that she, too, has a problem with her view of her mother. The "Madonna image" that Sophie has of her mom may more rightly be called an "Erzulie image." If you recall, Sophie always thought of her absent mother as the goddess Erzulie, who is both virgin mother and a powerfully attractive, all-loving being.