Briar Rose Avoidance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #7

The local industries used the inmates for hard labor. Everybody knew. Except Josef. Hiding from himself, he hid from the facts, too. (25.31)

An interesting detail in the story is the way in which Josef and other people in Germany lied to themselves in the time leading up to World War II. Life isn't like the movies, when the music lets you know that something bad is about to happen.

Quote #8

"I don't honestly think she remembered. Not you, not my grandfather, not any of it consciously. It had all become a fairy tale for her." (32.42)

Do you think that Gemma was an old woman who forgot what happened to her? Or did she repress the memory? Or did she just really, really like that fairy tale?

Quote #9

"I never got to know any of my sisters' secrets and I thought I was missing something. And now I know my grandmother's—and I'm not sure I want to know. Should I tell them everything at home? Do you think Mr. Potocki would want me to? Is it better to let some things lie?" (32.76)

Why does Becca hesitate to tell her family what happened to Gemma during the war? Would you want to know, if you were them?