Briar Rose Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #4

"No one I knew ever called her Gitl," Mrs. Berlin said. "But then I knew no one from the old country. I thought her name was Genevieve." "You didn't know your own mother's real name?" Mike was amazed. (4.73-4.74)

Okay, what if her true name were Rumpelstiltskin? Just throwing that out there.

Quote #5

"She never spoke of any husband. Or any family at all. Only that everyone in the castle had fallen asleep and she had been rescued by the prince." (4.85)

Mrs. Berlin, like everyone else in Gemma's family, assumed the prince was her father. Spoiler alert: He was not.

Quote #6

"Did you have family who died at Chelmno, then?" Father Stashu asked.…"I don't know," Becca said. "I came here to find that out. About my family." (22.89-22.90)

Becca's quest to learn about Gemma's past isn't just about her promise to her grandmother. It's about something she needs to learn for herself.