Brokeback Mountain Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Brokeback Mountain.

Quote #7

JACK: You count the damn few times that we have been together in nearly twenty years. And you measure the short f***in' leash you keep me on, and then you ask me about Mexico and you tell me you'll kill me for needin' somethin' I don't hardly never get. You got no idea how bad it gets. And I'm not you. I can't make it on a couple of high-altitude f***s once or twice a year. You are too much for me, Ennis, you son of a whoreson b****. I wish I knew how to quit you.

This is one of the movie's iconic lines, and it recalls the line about Ennis not being able to quit his job to see Jack, as if the two are equivalent, and Jack is just a job that no longer takes priority. Jack's love for Ennis is so strong that he can't toss it away the way Ennis can.

Quote #8

ENNIS: Why don't you just let me be, huh? It's 'cause of you Jack that I'm like this. I'm nothin'. I'm nowhere.

Not since Jack left Ennis did Ennis cry like this. And Ennis is crying again because their relationship is ending one more time. He only shows emotion when something is taken away from him.

Quote #9

CASSIE: Ennis, girls don't fall in love with fun.

The relationship with Cassie shows us that Ennis won't fall in love with anyone else other than Jack. But what does she mean here? What do girls fall in love with? Perhaps it's romance, something Ennis is chronically incapable of.