Brokeback Mountain Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Brokeback Mountain.

Quote #4

JACK: Well, I can spare you a loan, bud, if you're short on cash. Give it to you when we get to Signal.

ENNIS: I don't need your money. You know, I ain't in the poorhouse. S***!

Ennis is proud, which is a masculine trait, and his pride won't let him be in Jack Twist's debt.

Quote #5

ENNIS: Jack, I gotta work. Huh? In them earlier days I just quit the job. You forget what it's like bein' broke all the time. You ever hear of child support? I'll tell you this, I can't quit this one. And I can't get the time off. It was hard enough gettin' this time. The tradeoff was August. You got a better idea?

Ennis isn't lying here, so you could argue that one reason Jack and Ennis's relationship deteriorates isn't because of Ennis's latent homophobia, but because of his poverty. However, that argument's flawed, because if Ennis moved in with Jack, Jack's money would keep them financially secure.