How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)
Quote #4
He was delighted by her [...] Yet somehow that delight seemed to come with a shadow, and she wondered [...] if she herself [...] was the shadow and nothing else. (3.470)
Here, Eilis is wondering if her instinctual need to retain her independence is putting a strain on her relationship with Tony. More than that, however, she's wondering if this hard-to-get nature is exactly what makes Tony so interested in her in the first place. This is certainly a valid question, but it seems to us like Tony's feelings are quite real.
Quote #5
Tony came every night to meet her after the classes and she liked how he allowed her to remain silent if she wanted. (3.782)
After Rose's death, Tony shows Eilis a capacity for empathy and understanding that knocks her socks off. He isn't pressuring her about marriage or begging her to tell him that she loves him anymore—he's simply being there for her in her time of need.
Quote #6
As they walked back and sat eating hot dogs at Nathan's, Eilis spotted someone at the next table checking out her wedding ring. She smiled to herself. (3.949)
So, yeah—they get married. Although Eilis will later claim that this whole marriage was a mistake (which we'll get into later), this shows that she is happy about it on some level. Their situation might be complicated, but Tony and Eilis clearly love each other a great deal—at least at this point.