How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Eilis would have given anything now to have been with them, dressed like them, to be glamorous herself, too easily distracted by the jokes and smiles of those around her. (3.116)
Although Eilis is an uber-nerd, she secretly wishes that she could be a party kid. She has a hard time making that leap, however. Whether this hesitation comes from a lack of confidence, concern over her reputation, or just fear, Eilis desperately wishes that she didn't care what others thought about her.
Quote #5
"I was just going to say that I heard there are coloured women going into Bartocci's," Miss McAdam said. For a moment no one spoke (3.198)
For Eilis' roommates, Bartocci's decision to open up its doors to African-Americans is a big scandal. For Eilis, on the other hand, it isn't really a big deal—after all, their new customers are just as classy and glamorous as their old ones, so what's the difference?
Quote #6
"Maybe if we got rid of some of the wallflowers, Sheila," Eilis said, "with the sour look on their faces." (3.409)
Sheila and Miss McAdam constantly make Eilis feel bad for wanting to live her life on her own terms. Well, ladies, we're not trying to rub salt in your wounds or anything, but consider yourself slammed.