Bud, Not Buddy Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I went over to a table and found Flint and Grand Rapids in the lines of the book. I looked where the two lines met and it said 120. Wow! That was going to be a good little walk. (9.15)

When Bud misses the train, he comes up with a new plan right away, which takes determination and guts. He also doesn't seem to mind setting off for a very long hike. Does he understand how hard it will be or how long it will take him? How will he eat or get water?

Quote #8

From the way the man talked he seemed like he was OK and before my brain could stop it my stomach told the rest of me to slide my suitcase deeper into the weeds and walk out. (10.32)

Despite his fear of being caught, Bud chooses to take a chance on Lefty, and because of that, he gets the food that Lefty has offered him. It turns out to be smart move for many reasons, the first of which is that Bud ends up with one of the nicest guys in Michigan.

Quote #9

I waited, then went back out to get my bag. I walked over to the driver's side of Lefty Lewis's car, smiled and said, "Thanks you very much, sir. He's in there, he's so glad to see me that I'm not even in a whole lot of trouble…." (12.122-123)

Although it may be a huge risk for Bud to ditch this friendly ride without a back-up plan, he presses onward in full faith that he will find his father. We are quaking in our boots when he actually walks in, though. Was it a smart move for Bud to leave Lefty behind? Or was it worth it to find Calloway and the jazz band?