How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Vasili would break him from afar, systematically applying pressure where he was vulnerable—his family. (3.18.2)
Leo's love for his family is a strength, but it can also be his greatest weakness if nasty people try to manipulate it. The dude has gone through some serious hardships in his life, but no matter how bad things got, he could always rely on his family. As we'll learn, Vasili couldn't be more different.
Quote #5
That still hurt him, more than his loss of status, more than his loss of faith in the State. He'd blindly believed in love. (4.36.4)
This is a powerful statement. Leo went from being a respected–-and feared—member of the upper class to a lowly nothing. He's also gone from being a die-hard patriot to a man unsure if he believes in anything. Still, nothing hits him harder than the idea that his wife doesn't love him the same way her loves her.
Quote #6
"You've often behaved as if our love was dependent on the things you could do for us. Even as a child. That is not true." (4.37.44)
That certainly explains a lot. Throughout the novel, Leo constantly puts himself in harm's way for his parents, even when it seems like the most foolish thing he could possibly do. The revelation regarding Leo's "origin story" adds to this understanding as well.