How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"The problem with becoming powerless [...] is that people start telling you the truth. You're not used to it, you've lived in a world protected by the fear you inspire." (3.20.43)
As usual, Raisa hits the nail on the head. Leo—like his fellow MGB agents—uses fear as a shield to protect himself from the reality of what he's doing. No one has ever told him that what he's doing is evil before, simply because they have been too scared to say anything. Leo has become so isolated in his ivory tower that he has been blinded to this obvious fact.
Quote #5
"There are so many things to be afraid of. You can't be one of them." (3.20.45)
If Raisa and Leo are going to rebuild their marriage, then they need to trust each other unconditionally. Raisa has lived her entire life in fear, and she says that stops now.
Quote #6
Leo had [...] seen how their muscles lost shape and strength as if they'd been eaten up by fear. (3.28.3)
Now that he's a prisoner, Leo understands the abject terror he has put countless people through. Fear doesn't merely cause psychological effects—it can even make a once healthy body wither away.