How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Leo hadn't believed it for a second, too schooled in paranoia and plot not to see the cracks in the story. (3.15.25)
Even the State's account of Stalin's death is an obvious lie. If it makes you feel any better, though, we're willing to bet that many a Russian citizen was lying when they acted sad about their Glorious Leader's death.
Quote #8
Those differences had been a disguise. The dissident had been the policeman and the policeman had become the counterrevolutionary. (4.37.7)
Whoa, bro—this is some Inception-level stuff. It just goes to show you: sometimes, the person who says all of the right things actually feels all of the wrong things on the inside. To be honest, though, Ivan's real crime was lending Raisa For Whom the Bell Tolls instead of The Sun Also Rises. Shame on you, good sir.
Quote #9
"You have a short memory, Leo. How did we just escape? We told the inmates of that carriage the truth." (4.50.25)
Ultimately, the only way that Leo and Raisa survive is by telling the truth. What a fanciful concept. The Russian people have been lied to for so long that the truth is as sweet as a summer breeze. Who knows where Leo and Raisa would have ended up if they hadn't told the truth?