Childhood's End Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

As no laws or edicts of the Overlords could have done, the ubiquitous little aircars had washed away the last barriers between the different tribes of mankind. (6.27)

Aircars transformed the world more than microwave dinners and the infield fly rule. And, yes, we totally believe they would. So when do we get our aircars?

Quote #5

"IAMALL," spelled the plate, and returned to its point of equilibrium.

"'I am all,'" repeated Rupert. "That's a typical reply. Evasive, yet stimulating. It probably means that there's nothing here except our combined minds." (8.49-50)

This foreshadowing is way more subtle than what we looked at a few quotes back. Here, the novel hints at the true nature of the Overmind and mankind's ultimate transformation. Check out the "Symbols" section for more on the Overmind.

Quote #6

It came from the storm-scarred flanks of the Andes, from the bodies of a billion living creatures, from the dust of meteors that had wandered through space for ages and had come at last to rest. Here in the eternal night, it was laying the foundations of the lands to be. (11.44)

Nothing stays the same, transformation happens all the time and to everyone. Even the oceans, which seem pretty darn eternal by human standards, are always changing and evolving, even if we can't see it by just looking at the waves on the beach.