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Childhood's End Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Europe was a cultural and geographic entity. The world is not—that is the difference."

"To the Overlords," replied Stormgren sarcastically, "the Earth probably is a great deal smaller than Europe seemed to our fathers—and their outlook, I submit, is more mature than ours." (2.21-22)

This here is foreshadowing, Shmoopers, and not even of the subtle variety. The world will transform into a World State. The writing is on the wall, er, treaty.

Quote #2

It might be, too, that [Stormgren] was beginning to identify himself with the Overlords and thus to become detached from humanity. (3.1)

Stormgren's transformation is a bit subtle, but you can see clues that he is transforming into an Overlord of sorts (not physically, though, because that would be weird). Notice how Stormgren thinks and acts in a highly rational and scientific way. Now, who else acts like that in the novel… hmm?

Quote #3

And Stormgren hoped that when Karellen was free to walk once more on Earth, he would one day come to these northern forests, and stand beside the grave of the first man ever to be his friend. (4.164)

We don't get to see things from Karellen's point of view very often, but this quote poses an interesting question. Karellen spends his time transforming humanity—Stormgren on a personal level, and mankind on a grand evolutionary scale. But does Karellen transform based on his interaction with people?