The Chocolate War Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He looked like a henpecked husband, a pushover, a sucker. […] But all this was deceptive. In the classroom Leon was another personal altogether. Smirking, sarcastic. (4.11)

Brother Leon's appearance doesn't jive with his personality. Or does it? Could be that he's powerless in every other aspect of his life, so he takes it out on his students, the only people who will put up with it. Or maybe he treats everybody like this. What do you think?

Quote #5

Even his thoughts became sharper, and things were simple and uncomplicated – he could solve math problems when he ran, or memorize football plays. (9.1)

Running is a huge part of The Goober's identity. It's seems completely positive. When he's running, his mind and body are in harmony and he feels good about himself.

Quote #6

He didn't want to be a mirror of his father. The thought made him cringe. I want to do something. Be somebody. But what? But what? (9.32)

Jerry is very afraid of never finding his own identity, that his father's identity will somehow be foisted on him. Saying "No" to the chocolates is his way of trying on a new identity and seeing if it fits.