The Chocolate War Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Goober was depressed, thinking about school spirit. Ever since Room Nineteen had collapsed, he lived in a mild state of shock. (13.9)

The Goober's part in the destruction of Room Nineteen is wreaking havoc on his identity. He feels like a bad guy and doesn't know how to turn things back to the way they used to be.

Quote #8

And he did see—that life was rotten, that there were no heroes, really, and that you couldn't trust anybody, not even yourself.  (16.48)

David Caroni feels that Brother Leon forced him into acting against his will, in order to preserve his identity as a good student, which is obviously important to him. Unless David finds a way to deal with this, and unless he meets some good people, he might just turn out to be a total cynic.

Quote #9

The boys have become infected, Cochran. Infected by a disease we could call apathy. A terrible disease difficult to cure. […] In this case, the cause is known. The carrier of the disease is known. (22.35, 22.37)

Brother Leon is thinking of Jerry as something contagious and diseased. He probably thinks of all his students in such bizarre terms. His vision of their identities is reflected in the way he treats them.