Chronicle of a Death Foretold The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Then she went out onto the bedroom balcony and saw Santiago Nasar in front of the door, face down in the dust, trying to rise up out of his own blood. He stood up, leaning to one side, and started to walk in a state of hallucination, holding his hanging intestines in his hands. He walked more than a hundred yards, completely around the house, and went in through the kitchen door. He still had enough lucidity not to go along the street, it was the longest way, but by way of the house next door. (5.75)

After over 100 pages of mystery, we finally get to see the crime happen firsthand. You would expect it to be pretty boring, since we've heard all about it from nearly everyone in town. But because of the supernatural elements like this, there is still an element of surprise and wonder to something as mundane as the death of a man over 20 years ago.