How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"And being [a Shadowhunter]—one of the Nephilim—means everything to [Jace.]" (1.4.16)
Jace is what we mundanes know as a workaholic. It's just that Jace's job is fighting demons. Fighting demons is his life, and the Inquisitor wants to punish him by taking that away.
Quote #5
"I don't care who your father is either. It doesn't matter to me. You're still the same person." (1.4.94)
It's hard to decide whether this quote belongs in Identity or Family when it comes to themes. In this book, these two themes are closely intertwined, as many are defined by their parents. Can you say Sin of the Fathers?
Quote #6
It tore itself free of the sucking earth, crawled a few feet, and collapsed onto the ground. (2.9.59)
At first glance you might think this line is about a demon. The subject is "it" after all. But it isn't a demon. It is Simon, fresh from the ground after becoming a vampire. At first, Clary doesn't see him as even human. She sees him as an it.