How It All Goes Down
A Fine and Private Place
- Everyone drags Simon's body to a Jewish cemetery in Queens.
- They dig a hole and bury him. Clary wants to stay near the burial plot to be there when Simon wakes up.
- While she's waiting, Alec and Magnus arrive, bearing bags of blood from a butcher shop.
- It gets colder, not just because night is falling, but because Simon is drawing strength from the living to gain power to rise.
- And rise he does, he bursts out of the ground and springs at Clary, attacking her.
- Raphael grabs Clary and flings her away, and then he gives Simon the bag of blood.
- He drinks, but must have lost all his table manners when he died, because he slings blood all over the place.
- This grosses out Clary so much that she tosses her cookies. Hope you're not reading this over dinner.