How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"The pentagram is a necessary part of any demon-raising ritual. You know that, sir. Without it…" (Prologue.6)
Many of the rituals in the book draw from familiar knowledge. How many movies have seen pentagrams or similar symbols being used to raise a demon?
Quote #2
"Do I seem different to you?" [Simon] asked. (1.1.123)
This is a handy bit of foreshadowing, because later, Simon will look different, and not because he gets new glasses or hits the gym, but because he becomes a vampire.
Quote #3
[Maia] was only half surprised the next full moon when the pains started: tearing pains that ripped up and down her legs, forcing her to the ground, bending her spine the way a magician might bend a spoon. (1.2.7)
The werewolf transformation is another familiar supernatural event to anyone who has seen American Werewolf in London or Hemlock Grove.