
Character Role Analysis

Clarissa Harlowe and Anna Howe

There's a reason these two are such great buddies. Clarissa and Anna come from similar backgrounds and have similar priorities when it comes to capital-R Romance. But while Anna has the luxury to gradually get to know her future hubby, Clarissa gets an ultimatum: Solmes or permanent banishment to her room. Lovelace takes an interest in Clarissa, but he later muses to Belford that he could have easily fallen for Anna. It's all about the luck of the draw, and Clarissa continually draws the short straw.

John Belford and Robert Lovelace

Lovelace seduces women for fun, and Belford cleans up his buddy's messes. While Lovelace runs with a pretty wild crew, he keeps Belford around for the occasional conscience check. On the other side, Belford never cuts ties with Lovelace, no matter how despicable the guy's actions are. It's not like either guy would ever say it, but we think that their bromance is based on a case of the grass being greener on each side.