Code Talker Theme of Courage

It takes a lot of guts to voluntarily sign up to join the Marines and risk your life for your country. Can you even imagine what it's like to go thousands of miles away from home after a few weeks of training and be responsible for defending yourself, your buddies, and your homeland… all with the knowledge that you may die doing it?

Yikes. We're even scared of silly things like creaky elevators.

Code Talker is about the importance of courage. In this book, Chester and the code talkers represent the courage and heroism of the troops who fought to defend America during World War II.

Questions About Courage

  1. The American troops are represented as very courageous in Code Talker. Are the Japanese troops also presented as courageous?
  2. Is courage an important Navajo cultural value? How so, and why?
  3. How does Chester demonstrate courage not only in his military life, but in his personal life as well?
  4. What is the significance of the Congressional Gold Medal that Chester and the other twenty-nine code talkers receive in 2001? How does this medal reflect on their service during the war?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Chester isn't a courageous guy. He just does his duty. Discuss

Chester is extremely courageous. He goes above and beyond. Discuss.