Code Talker Themes

Code Talker Themes


Code Talker throws us right into the Pacific battles between the Americans and the Japanese during World War II. Warfare is the big theme of this book. And what we'll learn is that warfare isn't ju...

Language and Communication

When we think of war, what might pop into mind are men in uniforms shooting at one another. That's a part of it, of course. But war is also about language and communication. The Americans couldn't...


Uncle Sam. The Star Spangled Banner. Lady Liberty. Apple pie. Patriotism for 'Murica is a pretty big theme in Code Talker. This is a memoir about a time in history—World War II—when America was...


Who am I? Where do I belong? Where's my home? Chances are, we all ask ourselves these questions at some point in our lives. But if we're Navajo, we're probably asking ourselves these questions all...

Tradition and Customs

Code Talker isn't just a war story; it's like a crash course in the traditions and customs of the Navajo people. The book gives us a vision of the traditional Navajo lifestyle, which revolves aroun...


Chester wouldn't be Chester without his family. His values, his principles, his beliefs, are all drawn from his grandmother, his father, and his aunts and uncles. Not only does Chester's family giv...


We'd bet that if we were thrown into the middle of a raging battle with a bunch of kids from school and had to rely on them to survive, we'd get pretty close to them pretty quickly. This is what ha...


It takes a lot of guts to voluntarily sign up to join the Marines and risk your life for your country. Can you even imagine what it's like to go thousands of miles away from home after a few weeks...