Code Talker Theme of Friendship

We'd bet that if we were thrown into the middle of a raging battle with a bunch of kids from school and had to rely on them to survive, we'd get pretty close to them pretty quickly. This is what happens in war: one minute you're strangers, the next you're saving each other's lives and forming some pretty deep bonds as a result.

Code Talker dwells at length on the bonds that Chester forms not only with his code-talking buddies, but with his other Marine buddies as well.

Questions About Friendship

  1. What's the relationship between war and friendship in this memoir? How does war allow Chester to form bonds with other men?
  2. In what ways does friendship function as a support in Code Talker? What does Chester gain out of his relationships with other men?
  3. How is the theme of friendship reflected in the epigraph to the novel?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Chester's strongest bonds of friendship are with other Navajo Marines. Discuss.

Chester not only forms bonds of friendship with the Navajo Marines, but with non-Navajo Marines as well. Friendship breaks down the barriers between Navajos and non-Navajos. Discuss.