Code Talker Characters

Meet the Cast

Chester Nez

Courageous WarriorLet's just get it out of the way: we heart Chester Nez. Actually, "heart" doesn't even begin to cover the galaxy-sized amount of respect we have for this dude. RIP, Chester (he di...

Code Talkers

These twenty-nine guys were the insanely impressive men who created what would be known as an unbreakable code—a code, without which, the Japanese would not have been defeated.Oh yeah—and a bun...

The Marines

There are more than just a few Marines mentioned in Code Talker, but they all are super-proud.The Marines are the dudes who kick butt in Code Talker. They're a branch of the U.S. Navy, and as we...

The Japanese

The Japanese are the Big Bad in this book (hey, they sided with the Nazis during World War II. How could they not be the bad guys?). But even though they're on the wrong side of the war, Chester ha...

Roy Begay

Roy Begay is the Tweedle Dee to Chester's Tweedle Dum, the Laurel to Chester's Hardy, the jelly to Chester's peanut butter. They're buds.Roy Begay isn't just Chester's code talking partner during...


Who doesn't love their grandma? The world's #1 supplier of tasty snacks, comforting talk, and hilarious asides; grandmoms are some of the best people on earth. And Chester's g-ma is no exception. S...

Ethel Pearl Catron

No heroic story is complete until true love shows up. In this book, l'amour takes the form of pretty Ethel Pearl Catron.Ethel is the love of Chester's life. When he meets her, he goes all googley-e...

Minor Characters

DoraDora is Chester's little sis. Chester has fond memories of hanging out with his kid sister when he's still a little boy, and when he's shipped off to boarding school for the first time, he goes...