A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Resources


Free Download

A free e-copy of the book from Gutenberg.org.

Mark Twain's Interactive Scrapbook

A fun collection of tidbits from the people who brought you Big Bird.

Movie or TV Productions

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

An early silent movie version of the tale, produced in 1921.

A Connecticut Yankee

The first sound adaptation of the story, featuring noted humorist Will Rogers as Hank.

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

The most famous adaptation of the story, released in 1949 and starring Bing Crosby in the title role. The film was made as a musical, presumably because, if you're going to cast Crosby, you really need to let him sing.

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

This feature-length animated version was made for television in 1970. Orson Bean provides the voice of Hank; the actor later went on to voice Bilbo Baggins in a notable cartoon version of The Hobbit.

A Connecticut Rabbit in King Arthur's Court

The legendary Chuck Jones directed this twenty-five-minute Looney Tunes animated short in 1978. Bugs Bunny stars as the Connecticut Rabbit, testing his wits against the evil Merlin (who bears a suspicious resemblance to Yosemite Sam) and the dogged Sir Elmer of Fudd.

Unidentified Floating Oddball

Otherwise known as The Spaceman and King Arthur, this live-action Disney film arrived in 1979, when fortunes for the studio were low. It sends a modern astronaut and his android duplicate back to foil Merlin's schemes.

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Not to be outdone, this 1989 reimagining involves a modern twelve-year-old girl sent back to Arthur's time. She uses modern technology and a little spunk to help Arthur become the king he was meant to be.

A Young Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Hallmark jumped into the ring in 1996, taking a guitar-strumming hipster back to Arthur's time to see how he fares.

Articles and Interviews

"The Many Sides of Hank"

An essay on the main character from the University of Florida.

"A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and U.S. Imperialism"

An article on Twain's subtext from Purdue University.

Unraveling Twain's True Message

What's it all about? Caroline DeFino gets to the bottom of it.


Yay for Legos

The wonders of the Internet produced a version of A Connecticut Yankee, solely in Lego form.


Rest Your Eyes

A free MP3 audio recording of the book.

Commercial Audio Files

A version for sale from Amazon and Audible, read by actor Richard Henzel.


Sir Boss

An image of Hank from the original printing of the book.

Multiple Images

A blog full of images from the book, ranging for original illustrations to more recent works.

Will Rogers

A blog review of the Will Rogers movie, with multiple stills from the film.