Crank Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Poem Title, Stanza)

Quote #4

"Daddy?" He overlooked me like sky above a patch of dirt, and I realized he, too, searched for a face suspended in yesterday. (Mutual Assessment.3)

Kristina's dad's absence from her life has caused both of them to see each other through unrealistic lenses. When she arrives at the airport, Kristina is looking for the much younger man she idolized as a child, while her father is still largely looking for a little girl. This should be evidence enough that this visit is doomed to be a failure.

Quote #5


You've heard of work.

You couldn't take one day off?

You don't know my boss. (Dad Had to Go to Work.1-4)

Okay, let's get this straight. Kristina's dad takes her mom to court for the right to see her, then can't even take time off from work to be with her. Weird. Or not. Maybe his desire to see his daughter is less about connecting with her and more about ticking off her mom.

Quote #6

Not that Dad didn't ask plenty of questions, worthy of answers, but how could I tell the man who turned his back on "daddy" status how my life had changed?

How could I explain gut-wrenching insights to someone so lacking vision? (One Hour.2-3)

Being with her dad causes Kristina to reevaluate the way she's pictured him for the last several years of her life. He's not "Daddy" anymore—he's a pathetic drug addict living in a broken down apartment who works(-ish) at a bowling alley. She may have gone on the trip to reconnect with him, but seems to walk away from their visit more alone than ever.