Crank Abandonment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Poem Title, Stanza)

Quote #7

I thought about the one time I actually sat down and talked to Adam's mom. Tough things for two boys, when their daddy turns his back on them. (I Went Straight for the Phone.3)

A major theme in this book is how neglect from parents causes children to make bad decisions. Adam turns to drugs because it is both a behavior he observed in his dad and to fill the void his father left in his life. Similarly, Kristina's broken family situation has created a storm of suppressed emotions that have to explode at some point.

Quote #8

I saw your dad the other day. It was kind of strange because he never even mentioned you. Of course, he was with a new woman […] Maybe he doesn't want her to think he's old enough to have a daughter your age. (As I Considered My Answer.4)

Adam's letter to Kristina is proof that her dad's interest in her life was a temporary thing. He doesn't keep in contact with her, doesn't mention her to Adam, and seems more interested in promoting his image with his new girlfriend. It's a huge bummer that her dad's fleeting desire to see her results in permanent damage to Kristina's life. Thanks for nothing, Pops…

Quote #9

It's always great to watch the world's best pilots fly, and better yet to see adults behave like juvenile delinquents. (We Found Our Box.3)

At the air show, Kristina's mom hits on a guy sitting near them while Scott is obviously checking out his boss's sexy wife. Not exactly one of the greatest parenting moments in history. Maybe they haven't physically abandoned their kids, but they don't seem concerned with what kind of example they're setting.