Crispin: Cross of Lead Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #7

He shrugged. "I never fear for myself."


"I make my own choices."

"Then do you fear for me there?"

"Perhaps." (29.35-39)

Well, that's interesting. Why would the ability to make his own choices make Bear not feel afraid, especially when many of his choices are the kind that tend to lead to nasty deaths in 1377?

Quote #8

Bear put a hand on my shoulder. "Crispin," he said softly, "try to show less worry. The worst disguise is fear." (34.1)

While they are trying to sneak past guards who are looking for Crispin, we get the feeling that Bear uses the word "disguise" both literally and figuratively. What might he mean?

Quote #9

Frantic, but hardly knowing what to do—go to the aid of Bear or take care of myself—I hesitated. Guilt and fear engulfed me equally. (46.19)

Just when Crispin was starting to feel less constantly afraid, he gets caught with Bear's group of treasonous political cronies, and he feels it's his fault they've been caught, adding guilt to his list of fun emotions.