Crispin: Cross of Lead Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #4

Only then did I creep toward the church, alone, uncertain, and very full of fear. (7.23)

Considering that John Aycliffe has had people out searching for Crispin to kill him all day, all of these feelings sound completely reasonable, if not that big of a leap from where Crispin's been since page one.

Quote #5

Startled, I stopped. Then I became afraid. After what I had witnessed in the village, I could not believe I was hearing a living voice. (16.1)

If this were an episode of Scooby-Doo, it would definitely be a ghost voice coming from the abandoned amusement park instead of a living voice coming from an abandoned village. Lucky for Crispin, this is not Scooby-Doo.

Quote #6

I was in such a fright I could hardly breathe. Tears were coming hard. "I… I swear," I choked out. (18.15)

Crispin spends most of the book terribly afraid, and now Bear's holding him down and making him swear service. This kid cannot catch a break.