Crispin: Cross of Lead Happiness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #7

I hastily made the sign of the cross over my heart, called on Saint Giles to protect me, and with trembling fingers took up the recorder and began to play. Bear began to beat his drum and dance. People turned to look. There were smiles on their faces, and from some, applause. That included the soldiers.

We fairly well danced our way up to the gate and through the town walls with not so much as an unkind look from anyone. (34.9-10)

Bear uses the old distraction trick to get himself and Crispin safely into Great Wexly. People seem to figure that if you're drawing attention to yourself, you must be okay.

Quote #8

"Crispin," said Bear as we moved away from the walls, "in that place they had me, I heard chants coming from the cathedral. The priests were singing, 'Media vita in morte sumus,' which means, 'In the midst of life, we are in death.' But, Crispin," he said, "can't you see the new truth we've made? In the midst of death, there is life!" (58.40)

Count on Bear to turn it around. They are literally dancing (almost) over John Aycliffe's dead body.

Quote #9

I took out the recorder. When I began to play, Bear laughed. Then he began to sing. Though he did not sing in his usual bellowing voice, it was his voice all the same. (58.43)

Only Bear would be singing a few minutes after being tortured in a dungeon. You really can't keep this guy down.