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Crispin: Cross of Lead Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #1

As judge, jury, and willing executioner, Aycliffe had but to give the word, and the offender's life was forfeit. We all lived in fear of him. (1.13)

There are a lot of ways to get people to follow you, but Aycliffe chooses fear. Stromford is a place entirely governed by fear, which explains why Crispin is so afraid all the time: He's never known anything different.

Quote #2

Transfixed by fear, I stood rooted to the spot. Not until he came close to me did I turn and flee. (2.27)

As Aycliffe approaches, Crispin finds he can't move. Is Aycliffe's power over Crispin based simply on his power to kill, or does he have some other hold over him?

Quote #3

I did try to accept my life, but unlike our perfect Jesus, I was filled with caution and suspicion, always expecting to be set upon or mocked. In short, I lived the life of the shunned, forever cast aside, yet looking on, curious as to how others lived. (3.7)

Poor Crispin. It's hard to make friends when all your experience tells you you'll be attacked.