The Crying of Lot 49 Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Except right here, where Oedipa Maas, with a thousand other people to choose from, had had to walk uncoerced into the presence of madness. (4.20)

Is Koteks insane? How else can you explain his inability to distinguish science and mysticism? What would make a good engineer believe in Nefastis?

Quote #5

This night's profusion of post horns, this malignant, deliberate replication, was their way of beating up. They knew her pressure points, and the ganglia of her optimism, and one by one, pinch by precision pinch, they were immobilizing her. (5.101)

When does Oedipa start using the word "They"? How else can she describe her sense of the Tristero? Does her fascination that this entire conspiracy is being constructed for her smack of narcissism or truth?

Quote #6

She might well be in the cold and sweatless meathooks of a psychosis. (5.128)

How could Oedipa possibly tell the difference between a psychosis and her experience during her night in San Francisco? How can the reader tell the difference? Is it important that we are able to?