The Crying of Lot 49 Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I worked on experimentally-induced insanity. A catatonic Jew was as good as a dead one." (5.177)

What might Pynchon be saying about his view about the practice of psychiatry by revealing Hilarius as a Nazi? What character does drug use take on after this revelation?

Quote #8

Possibilities for paranoia become abundant. (6.88)

Is paranoia always unhealthy in Lot 49? Given Oedipa's situation, is it necessary?

Quote #9

She didn't like any of them, but hoped she was mentally ill; that that's all it was. (6.117)

Why do you think Oedipa hopes she is "mentally ill"? How would that be a relief given the other options?