The Crying of Lot 49 Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Manny Di Presso, a one-time lawyer who quit his firm to become an actor. Who in this pilot plays me, an actor become a lawyer reverting periodically to being an actor. The film is in an air-conditioned vault at one of the Hollywood studios, light can't fatigue it, it can be repeated endlessly." (2.48)

How can Manny Di Presso keep track of when he is "acting" and when he is being a "lawyer"? Is there a difference?

Quote #5

The can knew where it was going, she sensed, or something fast enough, God or a digital machine, might have computed in advance the complex web of its travel. (2.78)

How does Oedipa tend to explain and understand complexity in the novel? Why does she link "God" and "digital machines"? Is she equating the two, or simply comparing them?

Quote #6

That's what haunted her most, perhaps: the way it fitted, logically, together. As if (as she'd guessed that first minute in San Narciso) there were revelation in progress all around her. (3.1)

What is this recurrent sense Oedipa has that she is surrounded by revelation, but not privy to it? Isn't it natural for things to fit logically together? Why is Oedipa surprised by this?