The Crying of Lot 49 Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

They'd never heard it that way. Went on warming their hands at an invisible fire. Oedipa, to retaliate, stopped believing in them. (5.82)

At this point in the novel, how stable is Oedipa's mind? Do you believe in the children in Golden Gate Park? Is it possible to tell if Oedipa is actually seeing children, if she is dreaming, or if she is hallucinating?

Quote #8

"You know what a miracle is. Not what Bakunin said. But another world's intrusion into this one [...] An anarchist miracle. Like your friend. He is too exactly and without flaw the thing we fight." (5.88)

How does Arrabal's story function as a parable about Oedipa's own quest? Are there other "miracles" in Lot 49?

Quote #9

"Has it ever occurred to you, Oedipa, that somebody's putting you on? That this is all a hoax, maybe something Inverarity set up before he died?" (6.98)

Do you think that Fallopian is right? Is there any way to tell? Why hasn't Oedipa considered this possibility more seriously?