Dancing on the Edge Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Dancing on the Edge? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What comfort object is Miracle unwilling to part with?

Her mom's worn-out ballet slippers
Dane's bathrobe
Her smelly baby blanket
Her teddy bear
Q. Who or what is Etain?

Miracle's dog
Granddadddy Opal's truck
Miracle's bicycle
A butterfly
Q. Why is Miracle afraid of Aunt Casey's wig heads?

Because they have no faces and are dead.
Because they have scary eyes.
Because they come to life at night and dance around the room.
Because they all look like her.
Q. What's the main significance of the candle bottles?

Dane used them in a special ceremony to inspire his writing.
Miracle gets them as payment for her love magic services.
They start the fire in Granddaddy Opal's basement.
Miracle needs them to give good dance performances.
Q. What does the color purple represent?

A novel by Alice Walker
The highest spiritual order