Dandelion Wine Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Dandelion Wine? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When does Tom think happy endings occur?

On his birthday
The first day of summer vacation
Every night
After a few glasses of dandelion wine
Q. What flavor of ice cream does Tom recommend to Doug when Doug is sad?

Lime-vanilla ice
Orange sherbet
Q. What does Tom do to Doug on the day Doug realizes he's alive?

Gives him a wedgie
Flushes his head in the toilet
Throws his shoes over a telephone line
Punches him in the face
Q. Other than strawberry festivals and dire fiends, what else does Tom see in the rug patterns?

Broken-down cars
Deadly sinners
The face of Jesus
Q. What does Tom wear to the Honeysuckle Ladies' Lodge?

A cape
A fedora
Spongebob boxers
A white summer suit