Akiva Timeline & Summary


Akiva Timeline & Summary

  • Akiva flies around the world and marks Brimstone's door with a black handprint. Very intimidating.
  • After battling Karou on the streets of Marrakesh, Akiva is determined to figure out who this girl is.
  • He interrogates Izîl about her, who throws himself to his death to protect Karou. The exiled seraphim, Razgut, however, tells all.
  • In Prague, Akiva follows Karou around, waiting for the right time to talk to her.
  • Since he tried to kill her, she is not in a talking mood.
  • But eventually, they stop using their weapons and start using their words. And their mouths. As in: making out.
  • See, Akiva knows who Karou is, and if they break that wishbone around her neck, her identity will be revealed to her.
  • So they do it. They break the wishbone. And Karou remembers she is Madrigal Kirin.
  • Madrigal, a chimaera, saved Akiva's life. But he's a seraphim, so their love was forbidden. (These two species have been warring a long, long time.)
  • Madrigal was executed for her affair with Akiva… while Akiva watched. Sadface.
  • But now he has Madrigal back, in Karou's body. Hooray.
  • Things are not that simple, however. It turns out that in order to end the war between the chimaera and the seraphim, Akiva killed Brimstone.
  • Which is totally not okay with Karou.
  • Meaning: Karou leaves Akiva behind and decides to find her way into his world.
  • We're not sure what she's planning yet, but this is only the first book in the series, so we're not too upset about it.