Daughter of Smoke & Bone Resources


Smoke and Bone and Blood and Starlight, oh my.

Laini Taylor's blog has all the information you need about Karou's universe, plus more pink hair color than you can shake a stick at.

A Website from Elsewhere

We love this beautiful website for Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

Movie or TV Productions

Roth and Bone

Joe Roth is the director for the Daughter of Smoke and Bone movie adaptation. You know, the same guy who did Snow White and the Huntsman and Alice in Wonderland. Sweet.

Articles and Interviews

Daughters of Laini Taylor

A book really is like a child. Read this interview and hear Laini Taylor talk about two of her favorite children: Daughter of Smoke and Bone and its sequel.


In this interview, Laini Taylor gabs about the book's striking cover, and what it's like to travel abroad to Prague... and call it research. Where do we apply for her job?


Office Q&A

We're not sure why Laini Taylor is being interviewed in one of the messiest offices in America in this video, but she talks about a lot of interesting things here, from her favorite scenes to her favorite characters.

Trailer Treasure

This fan-made book trailer is amazing. Heck, we wouldn't mind it if the whole movie looked like this cool cartoon.

A Little Enthusiasm, Please

If you don't have anyone to share the amazingness of Daughter of Smoke and Bone with, watch this Booktalk video narrated by a girl who is way into the book.


Doll of Smoke and Bone

Karou's all dolled up here (haha). This fan-made doll has accessories that include a door with a black handprint and a sketchbook. We hope Akiva is sold separately.

Wings of Fire

Check out this fan art of Akiva. If you didn't already, now you'll know why Karou wants to be touched by this angel.

Someone Else's Sketchbook

Art student Lillian Coulombe sketched this amazing picture of Madrigal. You can scope out some more sketches, including ones of Brimstone and Issa, on Laini Taylor's blog. Looks like we have a real-life Karou in our midst.