Daughter of Smoke & Bone Themes

Daughter of Smoke & Bone Themes


Oh, hello. We didn't see you there. No, we weren't singing "Call Me Maybe" to ourselves.. Why do you say that? Wait, don't go, we're not crazy… we're just lonely. See, loneliness can drive a pers...

Lies and Deceit

We love what you've done with your hair. That shade of blue really brings out your eyes. Of course we're being honest with you, you're our BFFL… Okay, we're totally lying. Everyone lies sometimes...


Lust: it's arguably the most fun of the seven deadly sins. It's also inevitable in any novel that is raging with teen hormones, like Daughter of Smoke and Bone. A big part of Karou's coming-of-age...


If Karou could drive, her license would need to be printed on one of those lenticular cards. You know, those fun cards that, when you tilt them left, there's one picture on them, but when you tilt...

The Supernatural

If we didn't know any better, we'd think Laini Taylor worked some magic on her own hair. Like Karou, the heroine of Daughter of Smoke and Bone, she has some supernaturally striking locks. Anyway, K...


Appearances lead to a lot of good-for-nothin' trouble in Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Different appearances seem to be one of the driving factors behind the chimaera-seraphim war, for example. And t...

Art & Culture

Prague is a city rife with art and culture—all those gorgeous buildings and paintings and street performers make it feel like there's magic in the air. And with Karou around, there is. But even w...


Earth is a planet wracked by war. And over-population. And global warming. And... um, kittens. And the internet. (We don't want to get you too down.) Anyway, you'd be hard pressed to find a moment...


Many of the world's greatest fairy tales are about love. Cinderella and Prince Charming. Snow White and Prince Charming. Sleeping Beauty and Prince Charming. Man, that guy gets around, doesn't he?...