Lust Quotes in Daughter of Smoke & Bone

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Don't put anything unnecessary into yourself. [...] No inessential penises, either." (3.34)

Brimstone's not much of a fan of lust, it seems. Love must make a penis "essential."

Quote #2

"I was going to say the beginning is the good part, when it's all sparks and sparkles, before they are inevitably unmasked as assholes." (10.90)

Here, Karou is talking about the love (or is it lust?) she felt for Kaz. Funnily enough, this could also be applied to the love (or lust) she feels for Akiva. By the end of the book, he's unmasked as a murderer.

Quote #3

"So, if it's all chemical and you have no say in the matter, does that mean [Kaz] still makes your butterflies dance?" (10.103)

Zuzana and Karou have a huge talk about whether you have any control over love or not. Karou suggests that it's all chemical. Maybe she's talking about how her pheromones get her blood racing around Kaz. Is that love or lust? Also, even if her attraction to Kaz is purely chemical, is it any different from her relationship with Akiva, which is pre-destined? Destiny is stronger than any chemical, we think.