Daughter of Smoke & Bone Narrator:

Third Person (Limited Omniscient)

If there's one thing that Cinderella, Snow White, Goldilocks, and Karou all have in common, it's that they're all the stars of fairy tales. Most fairy tales are told from the third-person P.O.V., and Daughter of Smoke and Bone isn't any different.

The book starts by following Karou, and we get to know her pretty well. She likes art, she's conflicted about her identity (she asks a lot of, Who am I really? questions), she has some regrets, and she's lonely. The third-person P.O.V. keeps us from getting too angsty and depressed along with Karou, though.

It also allows us a quick glimpse into what others, like Kazimir and Zuzana, think of Karou, the blue-haired wonder. Finally, it allows us to get personal with Mr. Angel of Death, Akiva. Having insight into both Karou and Akiva's perspectives allows us to better track their journey as swords-a-flying-enemies to lovers and back again.

Karou and Akiva come from warring species, but they somehow meet in the middle to talk, and kiss, and stuff. Now, that totally selfish P.O.V.—the first-person—would never have given us the same understanding of how these two star-crossed lovers make compromises for each other.