Death Comes for the Archbishop Hypocrisy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He caught up the empty pewter mug at his right and threw it at the clumsy lad with a malediction. (3.4.12)

Father Baltazar is supposed to take care of the people who serve him, but instead he exploits and abuses them. He even murders one of them when he absentmindedly chucks a metal cup at one of their heads. That's hardly the moral behavior you'd expect from a priest.

Quote #8

"Nothing is decided once and for all," Martinez declared fiercely. "Celibacy may be all very well for the French clergy, but not for ours." (5.1.20)

According to Father Latour, the Catholic Church is very clear on the fact that priests should never have sex. But Father Martinez begs to differ. He basically thinks that everything is negotiable, even the laws of God.

Quote #9

Father Martinez printed a long and eloquent Proclamation (which very few of his parishoners could read) giving an historical justification for his schism, and denying the obligation of celibacy for the priesthood. (5.2.2)

When Father Latour strips Father Martinez of his priesthood and tries to push him out of the church, Martinez breaks off into a rogue church and rallies his supporters. He basically creates his own brand of Catholicism, which keeps all of the old rules except for the one that priests can't have sex.