Death Comes for the Archbishop Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The priests looked at each other; it struck them both that this man had been abusing her in some way. Suddenly he turned on her. (2.2.11)

It only takes one look at Magdalena for Fathers Latour and Vaillant to realize that her husband must be abusing her. The sad thing is that the two of them leave without offering to help her in any way. It's only when they suspect her husband to have killed other men that they eventually move in and hang the guy for his crimes.

Quote #5

During that time he had robbed and murdered four travelers who had stopped there for the night. (2.2.37)

If there's a villain in this book, it has to be Buck Scales. Sure, he doesn't stick around for very long, but he's definitely the closest thing to pure evil that we encounter in our reading. The guy pretty much murders anyone who comes to his door for help. And why? Because he likes to steal their horses and supplies and sell them. Yup, the guy murders people for petty theft. He's not exactly your model citizen.

Quote #6

"They scourged him with cactus whips, and his back was so poisoned that he was sick up there for a long while." (5.1.47)

Trinidad Lucero is training to become a priest, but there are definitely times when the guy gets a little overzealous with his training. He wants so badly to purify himself from sin that he asks other people to punish him by constantly whipping him. The whipping eventually gets so bad that the poor guy has to take weeks to recover.